Siri also works on A4 chips

    The other day MuscleNerd he gave us bad news by saying that porting Siri to old iDevices would require hacking the entire system. Today iH8sn0w comes with good news and tells us that Siri is not made especially for the A5 chips of iPhone 4S and iPad 2, so theoretically it can also work on iPhone 4/iPad. Of course, iH8sn0w has no idea how to fully port Siri without hacking the system, but the interesting part is that he already got access to the system files of the iPhone 4S, so he has an exploit that he used to achieve this or cracked the iOS 5 firmware.

    For now, I say to remain optimistic regarding the porting of Siri to the old iDevices, the only problem remaining in finding a bootrom exploit that allows moving the system.

Thanks to Auras.