An application compatible with iOS 7 promises to improve your GSM or WiFi signal strength

  If you are not satisfied with the strength of the GSM or WiFi signal of your iDevice, well I inform you that in Cydia there is an application that promises to improve it without too many complications. signal booster is the name of this application, and according to the developer's description, it is capable of resetting the terminal's baseband chip to reconnect to cell towers. This procedure should theoretically give us a strong connection in almost any conditions, the same "tactic" being applied including in the case of the WiFi chip.

Boost a weak signal with one touch! Your iPhone's signal can gradually get weaker as it sits idle and moves through buildings. This app resets your signal so that your iPhone will devote its resources to a new and stronger signal. It aims to give you the strongest possible voice/data signal at your current location. All with one touch! It will get you a new signal and close itself. Just launch it and you're done. It refreshes your Wi-Fi connection as well! Save time restarting your iPhone or fiddling with utilities. Boost a weak signal with one touch!

  Practically all you have to do is to access the icon signal booster from Springboard, and it will immediately run the algorithms designed by the developer, the GSM/WiFi signals having to improve almost instantly. The application has been available for some time in Cydia, was recently updated to be compatible with iOS 7 and all iDevices, and if you are interested in it, you will find it for $1 in the repo BigBoss.