iOS 8.3.1 could solve the bug that closes your iPhone with a text

iOS bug Closing messagesIn the morning I told you that A dangerous iOS bug can cause your iPhone or iPad to crash, or just the Messages application, by simply sending the message from the attached image to you. Practically, a hacker can send those texts and that character to your iDevice, and at the moment of viewing through LockScreen the terminal will be completely blocked, while accessing the Messages application will generate a sudden closure of it, without the possibility of reopening it Easy.

Users who received such messages reported that they managed to reuse their terminals by resending the same message, double display canceling the existing vulnerability in iOS. Alternatively, sending the same message through Siri or sending a picture seems to solve the problem, the second situation providing access to the list of conversations through which the message can be deleted.

We are aware of an iMessage issue caused by a specific series of unicode characters and we will make a fix available in a software update.

Considering that the bug is extremely dangerous, the Apple company confirmed its existence, but also the fact that it is working on a quick solution to the problem, which will be available through an iOS update. In this idea, although Apple probably never thought to launch iOS 8.3.1 to us, it looks like this version of the operating system will be available sometime in the next few weeks.