Facebook displays animated images (GIF)

Facebook logoFacebook finally displays animated images, GIFs, in the news feeds and timelines of users around the world, the American company implementing this functionality much later than some would have expected. Thanks to this function, now users will be able to view animated images from anywhere on the Internet, and from here on you can imagine how interesting Facebook will become for many users around the world.

Although Facebook does not allow the direct upload of animated GIF images to its social network, but only the publication of links to images uploaded to other websites, the benefit remains for those interested. Theoretically, the new functionality should also be available in the Facebook application for iPhone and iPad, but if it will not be visible immediately, then it will be implemented in the next period.

Facebook is the largest social network on the planet, and the lack of implementation of support for animated GIF images is surprising given that they are extremely popular among users. Those from Facebook have not officially announced the implementation of the new function, but this matters less, since everyone can now enjoy viewing the GIFs that have delighted users all over the world.