WhatsApp Web for iPhone is ready for launch

WhatsApp Web iPhoneWeb WhatsApp it is a system developed by the company WhatsApp in the idea of ​​offering them to users WhatsApp Messenger the possibility to have conversations with your friends including from PC and not only from iPhones.

Although Web WhatsApp has been released for Android and various other platforms for some time, an iPhone version of the system has not yet been made available to us through the app WhatsApp Messengerr from the App Store, but it won't be long until this is available.

According to one of the testers Web WhatsApp for iPhone, the WhatsApp company is close to releasing an update for the application WhatsApp Messenger dedicated to the iPhone that contains this system, and in the images of this article you can see the evidence of its existence.

Using WhatsApp on the iPhone is as simple as using the system in other platforms for mobile terminals, the WhatsApp Messenger application having a special menu that allows us to interconnect the account in our terminal with the one in the web platform.

WhatsApp Web iPhone 1

In this idea, the interconnection between WhatsApp Messenger for iPhone and WhatsApp Web is done in just a few seconds, as quickly as in the case of other mobile terminals, the person testing the system claiming that everything is working as well as possible at the moment.

Although WhatsApp Web initially had support for certain browsers for computers, it seems that the Safari browser for OS X is compatible with the system and allows accessing conversations without any effort, the image above being the best proof of this.

After the implementation of WhatsApp Web support in WhatsApp Messenger for iPhone, users of iPhone terminals will be able to use a computer to have conversations with anyone, to send pictures or movies and much, much more, without restrictions.

If I had to give my opinion, I would say that the update with support for WhatsApp Web will be released after the appearance of iOS 9, that is, in the second part of September.