Google displays information about earthquakes in Search

Company Google announced last night the implementation of a new information module in the Google Search search engine, which will display detailed information on the earthquakes currently occurring in the USA, and in the image below you can see how the system works.

Basically, users who perform searches through Google Search using the word "earthquake" will see a special interface that provides them with information on earthquakes that occurred in the minutes or hours prior to performing that search, including the geographic area in which that earthquake occurred.

According to those from Google, approximately 500.000 earthquakes occur every year on the planet, 100.000 of them being felt by people, and those who want to quickly find out information about the earthquake using Google Search will have a new interface through which they will be able to lamuri about what happened.

As I told you above, the system is currently only available in the USA, but Google will definitely work to expand its availability to other areas of the planet, considering that most of the traffic comes from outside the USA, so the functionality will not be limited to the American territory.

In the event of an earthquake, searches for "earthquake," "earthquakes near me" or similar queries will give you an at-a-glance summary about the earthquake, right at the top of the search page. Information will include a summary of the size of the earthquake, a map of the affected areas, and tips to safely navigate the aftermath.

google earthquake