Siri: here's HOW to use Apple's personal assistant

Siri is one of the most popular personal assistants, and the Apple company announced today the level of use of its service.

Siri Used Apple Assistant

Crab is the personal assistant developed by the Apple company and launched in 2011 together with the iPhone 4S, being a central service for the ecosystem of those from Cupertino. Siri is available in a variety of languages ​​at the moment, except for Romanian, and the Apple company is constantly expanding its functionality and support for the languages ​​in which it can understand the commands.

Siri is extremely popular thanks to all these functions offered by the Apple company, and today those from Cupertino announced that 500 million iDevices use the personal assistant. It is not known if we are talking about unique iPhones, iPads, iPod Touch/Apple TV/Macs, or the total number of people who use Siri is actually lower than the figure announced by Apple.

This figure regarding the number of Apple products that have Siri active was announced today by those from Cupertino together with the information regarding HomePod launch and pre-order date. To be completely honest, the number announced by the Apple company is much higher than I expected, and this is because Siri does not have support for any language on the planet.

"Siri, now actively used on over half a billion devices, has developed a deep knowledge of music and understands your preferences and tastes. And with Siri, HomePod can send a message, set a timer, play a podcast, check the news, sports, traffic and weather, and even control a wide range of HomeKit smart home accessories."

Apple still focused on what is more important, but the number of Siri-compatible Apple products on which the personal assistant is used is less than half of the number of active products. An implementation of support for more languages ​​would also increase the number of Apple products that use Siri actively, but no one knows when Apple will implement support for new languages, including Romanian.