Huawei P20 Pro is MUCH HARDER to repair than iPhone X

The Huawei P20 Pro is much more difficult to repair than the iPhone X, the first disassembly showing us the biggest problems with replacing components.

Huawei P20 Pro VERY HARD Repaired iPhone X

Huawei P20 Pro was recently presented by the Huawei company, and a first disassembly shows us that the Chinese phone turns out to be more difficult to repair than the phones iPhone X of the Apple company. Those from iFixIt disassembled the Huawei P20 Pro to see what's hidden inside, and what they discovered confirms the fact that the big manufacturers don't want people to get involved with repairing their phones.

The Huawei P20 Pro received a score of 4 out of 10 in terms of the ease with which it can be repaired, while the iPhone X received a score of 6 from iFixIt, a considerable difference between the phones. Apple demands a lot of money to repair iPhone X phones that have cracked screens or cases, and something similar can be expected for the Huawei P20 Pro, considering the difficulty in repairing the problems.

The Huawei P20 Pro is much more difficult to repair than the iPhone X

Huawei P20 Pro generates difficulties regarding the replacement of the integrated battery by Huawei, this procedure being possible, but with a lot of effort and time lost on the part of those who do the procedure. According to iFixIt, in the case of the Huawei P20 Pro there are also problems due to the fact that the case is now made of glass, and those who try to disassemble the phones will have to be extremely careful not to break these components.

"Replacing the battery is possible but at the expense of some time and effort. Double the risk for breakage with glass front and back. Replacing the screen requires going through at least two layers of adhesive and some disassembly."

Huawei P20 Pro generates very big problems for the replacement of screens, and this is because to do this procedure it is necessary to go through two layers of adhesive and to disassemble other components. The Huawei P20 Pro turns out to be more complex than the iPhone X in terms of how easily it can be repaired, and this is a surprise, especially since Android phone manufacturers normally look to sell phones that are easy to repair.