Google Chrome. ANNOYING PROBLEM that will be SOLVED

Google Chrome. A very annoying problem for users was announced as being solved by the engineers of the American company.

Google Chrome flash

Google Chrome. A problem that seems to annoy quite a lot of people will be solved by the Google company in a future update of browser available on many operating systems now. More precisely, it has been confirmed that the engineering team behind Google Chrome is currently working to eliminate the white page that appears when we switch from one web page to another, Google engineers calling this "the flash white".

Google Chrome. Many websites on the Internet are affected by this problem, and this is because of the way in which the scripts are loaded in each web page, the whole problem coming from JavaScript. Although some of the web developers have optimized their websites so that Google Chrome does not have this problem, most of the rest do not consider it to be that serious, except the engineers from Google, who want to solve it.

Google Chrome will solve the problem of loading web pages

Google Chrome. The problem does not appear with other web browsers, especially Firefox, and this is because of the way each browser was designed, others waiting for the entire web page to load before displaying content. Google Chrome displays every part of the page as soon as it is loaded, and this is where part of the problem comes from, but the Google engineers want to modify the way the pages are loaded so that the problem disappears completely.

A Flash of White is this brief moment during which the UA shows a white paint while loading a page. This can be distracting in-between navigations, especially when the page is reasonably fast in reaching a more interesting state. In the long run, providing developer control over the behavior seems desirable. However, let's start with an experiment to confirm that a new default would result in better user experiences.

Google Chrome. Clear details regarding the process by which this is to be done are not known for now, but it is certain that this is a priority for the company's engineers, and a new flag was discovered in the alpha versions with the name Enable flash avoidance between same-origin navigations. It's hard to say at the moment how long it will take for this important change for Google Chrome to be implemented, so we have to be patient.