Planet Mars. The INCREDIBLE announcement that NASA was STUNNED by

Planet Mars. An incredible announcement by which even the NAS was stunned was revealed, this is what an important secret of the planet was recently discovered.

Planet Mars. The INCREDIBLE announcement that NASA was STUNNED by

Planet Mars. Every day there are new discoveries about the celestial body located at such a great distance from the Earth, and today we are talking about something extremely important, which surprised even the researchers from NASA. More precisely, the researchers analyzed the way in which methane gas emissions fluctuate in the atmosphere of the celestial body during each day, and thus linked their existence and changes to the existence of microbial life on the planet Mars.

Planet Mars. NASA researchers already knew that methane gas emissions vary between seasons, but now they have discovered that they vary even over the course of a typical day, which took many experts by surprise. No one knows yet where the methane gas that even reaches the atmosphere on the planet Mars comes from, but it can be linked to the existence of life, even at the microbial level, which is a truly important discovery.

Planet Mars. The INCREDIBLE announcement that NASA was STUNNED by

Planet Mars. The INCREDIBLE announcement that NASA was STUNNED by methane gas seasons
Release of methane gas in each season from the planet Mars.

Planet Mars. NASA researchers used the Curiosity rover to measure the level of methane gas emanating from Gale Crater, and found that the equivalent of 2.8 KG reached the surface every day. For now, it is not known if this methane gas emitted in the Gale Crater on the planet Mars is biological or non-biological, so continuous research is needed to reach a clear conclusion about its nature.

"Some microbes on Earth can survive without oxygen deep underground and release methane as part of their waste. Methane on Mars has other possible sources, such as water-rock reactions or decaying materials containing methane. During the day, this small amount of methane is quickly mixed and diluted by vigorous convection, leading to low global levels in the atmosphere."

Planet Mars. The INCREDIBLE announcement that NASA was AMAZED by surface gas
The structure of the supervegetation and gases on the planet Mars.

Planet Mars. Analyzing what is happening on Earth, NASA researchers have come to the conclusion that the regularity with which meta gas is emitted daily, or every season, is related to the existing life on the planet. Of course, so far they have not discovered any clear evidence of this, and that all the information regarding the possible existence of life on the planet Mars is nothing more than

Planet Mars. Having said that, methane gas could be the main link that exists between the planet Mars and the existence of life there, but there is still much to analyze before reaching a clear conclusion.