Android 10: UNPRECEDENTED Measure Imposed by Google

Android 10 is the target of an unprecedented measure that is imposed by the Google company for customers all over the world, here is what is happening with the phones.

Android 10 google gesture system

Android 10 it is part of an unprecedented measure taken by the Google company for all phones that will have this operating system installed by manufacturers from all over the world. More precisely, Google forces phone manufacturers around the world to hide their gesture navigation systems from their own products, and to promote the natively implemented alternative by Google as a new official standard.

Android 10 has implemented a native gesture navigation system by Google to simplify the way users control mobile phones in daily use, it is similar to that of the iPhone X. Mobile phone manufacturers have separate implementations in their own phones , but Google doesn't really like that, and they want their system designed for Android 10 to be the one used by everyone now.

Android 10: UNPRECEDENTED Measure Imposed by Google

Android 10 will not be available on phones that do not promote its gesture navigation system as the default, and manufacturers are forced to hide theirs from the device setup process as well. Google does not force phone manufacturers to completely remove their own gesture navigation systems from Android 10, but it forces them not to promote them at the expense of the native one, which of course is not necessarily the best.

“Another interesting tidbit from the GMS document is that Google is essentially forcing OEMs to hide their own gesture navigation systems. While they can be included on a device, Google says they can't be advertised by the "Setup Wizard or any other method," including pop-ups or notifications. Obviously, these systems cannot be the default option either.”

Android 10 changes to a great extent the gesture navigation system that exists in Android 9, and everything for the benefit of users, so probably some of them will be happy with the change, while others, not. So far there have been no complaints from phone manufacturers, but it would not be excluded that they are not satisfied with the fact that Android 10 no longer gives them the same freedom, especially in the case of Samsung, with its One UI.

Android 10 was released in the official version by Google, but it is distributed with difficulty by phone manufacturers around the world, so that the changes reach many people with a delay.