iOS 13.3.1: Patching iOS 13 Continues in the same STUPID Mode

iOS 13.3.1 situation

iOS 13.3.1 was released last night in beta version by the Apple company, marking a new continuation of bad decisions to release software that is not ready for distribution among customers. The list of changes that iOS 13.3.1 has published by the Apple company for the first beta version is empty, yes you read that right, the Americans simply saying "There are no release notes for this software update."

iOS 13.3.1 is basically distributed by Apple in beta version with zero notable changes for customers, but also with zero less notable changes, unfortunately. Normally, Apple announces that there are at least problem solving and other improvements, when it releases a beta version, or that something uninteresting for us has changed, but with iOS 13.3.1 there is nothing.

iOS 13 is clear proof of the incompetence of Apple's management

iOS 13.3.1 should, theoretically, solve operational problems of the Screen Time system, so that children can no longer exceed the limitations set by parents. Apart from that, the information so far about iOS 13.3.1 does not announce anything important changed, and if things continue like this, the world will revolt even more against Apple.

Why does Apple continue with these bad releases for iOS 13.3.1? Well, because they don't really have a choice, iOS 13 being a completely missed update, and now they have to patch it as best they can, exactly the same way the Romanians patch the roads. iOS 13.3.1 will just be a new patch for an operating system that has ended up having bigger problems than Android, which would make Steve Jobs angry.

Although in theory frequent updates are good because they solve problems, in the case of Apple and iOS 13, frequent updates brought other problems, and we can only wonder what will be broken now.