WARNING from the ROMANIAN POLICE, what Romanians NEED to know


Romanian police in the end, he thought of using Facebook to tell the Romanians, through a visual example, that they should be much, much more careful about the way they lock their cars.

The Romanian Police reminds all car owners that it is good to be very careful and check if the car was actually locked when they used the remote control to activate the central locking system.

The Romanian Police recommends drivers to be very careful when locking their cars and if they do not see light alerts from the signal lights, when they are far from the car, to use the key to lock it.

The Romanian Police brings back into discussion the devices that jam the signal transmitted from the remote control from the car key to its computer in order to lock the doors, some using them to steal from cars.

"Do you have your car? When you leave it in the parking lot and think you've closed it...check it one more time! There is a possibility that someone else will control it for you! Our advice is to check it like the good old days, manually. We also thought of those with "keyless" opening...stand next to it when you close it! It will flag you 😉 Real events: There are malicious people who jam your car's central locking system to later deprive you of your belongings. Keep your eyes open so that someone else doesn't open your door!"

The Romanian police also consider those who have keyless entry systems in their cars, but in their case the blocking is done from the door, so it is almost impossible to jam the signal.

Romanian police

Do you keep your car? When you leave it in the parking lot and you think you've locked it...check it again! There's a possibility that someone else will check it for you! Our advice is to check it like the good old days, manually. We've also thought for those with "keyless" opening... stand next to it when you close it! It will alert you 😉Real events: There are people, with malicious intent, who jam your car's central locking system in order to later leave you without your belongings. Keep your eyes open so that someone else doesn't open your door! #Romanian police

Published by Romanian police on Friday, January 10, 2020