Playstation 5: The SURPRISE news that will delight all fans

Playstation 5 graphics

Playstation 5 has an extremely interesting announcement today, and that's because the new console is going to bring users all over the world something they wanted to have available to them, and that's to avoid buying new versions of their favorite games.

Playstation 5 it will have support for old games for consoles released in the past, this has already been known for some time, but what we didn't know is that it will be able to increase the graphics resolution in games even when users are playing on large screen TVs.

Playstation 5 it is capable of displaying games at resolutions up to 8K, some older games not even having such high resolutions, but it will take care of displaying the graphic elements at a higher resolution without their quality being affected, all automatically.

Playstation 5 has this information revealed by one of the developers who are currently working on new games for the console, so no matter if you have old games, they will be able to be used with the new console, and their graphics will be even better.

"It is one of the most important advances in terms of visual ability. “We've worked really hard to use the highest resolution textures possible on PS4 as well; However, PS5 will allow us to use an incredible Texel density of up to 4096px / m – meaning the visuals will be fully detailed and in higher resolutions.”

Playstation 5 it was supposed to be presented somewhere at the beginning of this month, but unfortunately the Coronavirus led to the cancellation of some conferences where the presentation of the console was expected, and it is expected that the event will take place this month, but only online.