Ministry of Health: people with asthma should not stop their medication

Ministry of Health asthma medicines coronavirus

The Ministry of Health comes with a very important recommendation for all those who suffer from asthma in Romania, and who were wondering if they can still take their medicines during the Coronavirus pandemic, and you can find the answer below.

A lot of people are asking themselves a lot of questions at the moment about what they should do during this pandemic, especially when it comes to the medication previously recommended by doctors, and at least that's why they recommend it.

"People with moderate and severe forms of asthma have a higher risk of developing complicated forms following an infection with the new coronavirus. That is why it is recommended to strictly observe the self-protection measures:

  • physical distance from other people,
  • avoiding leaving the house as much as possible,
  • strict hygiene of hands and objects with which they come into contact,
  • avoiding crowding.

It is recommended that patients diagnosed with asthma (adults and children) NOT stop their medication on their own initiative, including inhaled or oral corticosteroids, without consulting a doctor. The administration of the medication must be carried out according to the recommendations of the attending physician. In the event of an exacerbation of asthma-specific symptoms, it is recommended that patients follow the recommended therapeutic plan and immediately contact the attending physician in order to determine the most effective treatment.

  • DO NOT change the therapeutic regimen!
  • DO NOT remove or add drugs to the therapeutic regimen without a doctor's recommendation!”

People with moderate and severe forms of asthma have a higher risk of developing complicated forms following an infection...

Published by Ministry of Health - Romania pe Sunday, March 29, 2020