Romanian government: cumin does not prevent or treat the coronavirus

The Government of Romania cumen Coronavirus

Today, the Romanian government has a very important message for those who think they can use cumin to prevent infection with the new Coronavirus, or to treat themselves, the information that says it helps something being completely false.

The Romanian government says that if we eat too much of any kind of food, there is a possibility of having unwanted effects, so we should not use cumin for anything other than to give a little taste to the food, and nothing more.

"Excessive consumption of any type of food can produce unwanted effects.  A false information is circulating online at this time regarding the effect of cumin seeds on the coronavirus.

Don't fall prey to miracle solutions that appear on the Internet because they can put your health at risk.

For a healthy lifestyle, it is recommended to have a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables. Even if it is necessary to stay at home during this period, it is important to do physical activity.

Take breaks from sitting, walk around the house or do light exercise. Regular exercise reduces muscle tension and improves blood circulation."

i ️ Excessive consumption of any type of food can produce unwanted effects. ℹ️ A false information is circulating online in…

Published by The Government of Romania pe Thursday, April 2, 2020