Black Hole: INCREDIBLE Event that STUNNED Researchers

The black hole remains a symbol of mystery for scientists, here's what an incredible event stunned people all over the world, and how important it is.

magnetar black hole

The black hole It amazes researchers from all over the world because it is still very difficult for scientists to discern, many secrets of this type of objects in the universe remain without further explanation. In this idea, scientists were stunned after learning about an event that took place a few months ago, and whose result was much different compared to what they expected to see in reality.

The black hole that scientists expected to see after two neutron stars collided, turned out to actually be a magnetar, and that left many with unanswered questions about what happened. The huge explosion that took place after the collision of the two stars, and which should have formed the black hole, emitted a huge amount of light, which reached the Earth on May 22, 2020, and from there the research of the people of science.

Black Hole: INCREDIBLE Event that STUNNED Researchers

The black hole which should have appeared after the explosion of light, greater in half a second than the one emitted by the sun in 10 billion years, did not appear, and in its place that magnetar was detected. The star that appeared in the place of what should be a black hole is the size of a large city, but it gathers a huge amount of energy which, in case of an explosion, would generate huge waves over very vast areas of the entire universe.

“On May 22, 2020, light from a titanic explosion deep in space reached Earth. The energy seen by astronomers told of a pair of neutron stars colliding, creating a kilonova explosion. This event, releasing more energy in half a second than our Sun will produce in 10 billion years, left behind a rare object in the debris. Astronomers typically expect the collision of a pair of neutron stars to cause the dead stars to collapse almost instantaneously into a black hole. However, this was not found by astronomers while following the aftermath of the GRB 200522A burst.”

The black hole it did not appear again, but the collision between the two neutron stars is the first of its kind ever observed, and perhaps this is where the expectation of scientists to see something else came from. The event that took place for the first time is located 7.6 billion light years from Earth, and it would not have been the most distant black hole ever discovered anyway, so we are talking about an impressive observation anyway.

The black hole that scientists expected to see would have been the first observed to form in this way, so scientists missed an event that could probably only be observed once in a lifetime.