Planet Mars: NASA IS STUNNING with an APOCALYPTIC Announcement

The planet Mars is at the center of an apocalyptic announcement made by NASA, this is how all humanity was stunned by what the Americans discovered.

Planet Mars floods

Planet Mars is again at the center of an impressive announcement coming from NASA, one that shows us again how much we still do not know about the cosmic body so far from Earth at the moment. Thanks to the Curiosity robot, which has been on the surface of the planet Mars for some time, those from NASA are now able to confirm for the first time the fact that large-scale floods took place there a long time ago.

Planet Mars has been monitoring for some time a huge crater, which was named Gale, it being the one in which NASA considered that the Curiosity robot can most easily gather data about the cosmic body so far away. Based on the recent analyzes made by those from NASA, it was concluded that that Gale crater was hit by strong floods approximately 4 billion years ago, and it is possible that it is not the only area on the planet Mars affected in such a way.

Planet Mars: NASA AWESOME with an AWESOME Discovery

Planet Mars would have had these floods generated by a huge impact generated by a meteorite that hit the planet 4 billion years ago, i.e. an apocalyptic event similar to the one that took place on Earth. The floods came after the huge heat generated by the impact brought about huge frozen areas on the planet Mars, and so the water covered a good part of the surface of the cosmic body, something that doesn't happen very often.

"Evidence of past catastrophic flooding on Mars has been inferred from large channels, scour features and mega-ripples observed in orbital images. In situ confirmation of these floods was first achieved by examining sedimentary deposits at the Mars Pathfinder landing site. Here, the sedimentary deposits are extremely unsorted, with clasts ranging in size from sand to boulder.”

Planet Mars following this event, the climate was much warmer than the one now, plus torrential rains that also fell on very large areas, these being generated by the carbon dioxide and methane released into the atmosphere. The discovery of those from NASA is a very important one because the American space agency links water to the existence of life on the planet Mars, and from here they will look even more seriously for signs of life there.

Planet Mars it is currently being analyzed by many space agencies, and it is very possible that many other very important discoveries will be announced in the coming years for everyone.