LUNA: The AMAZING Plan to Secure Mankind's Future

LUNA has presented an incredible plan to ensure the future of humanity, here is what the scientists thought to do, and how it can be applied.

MOON FABRIC it is the closest cosmic object in relation to the Earth, and it seems that scientists want to use it including as a bastion for trips to Mars, but apparently also to ensure the future of humanity. More precisely, a plan created by scientists aims to create spaces on the moon to store the essential elements for the creation of human life, which will be hidden under the surface of the Earth's natural satellite to be protected.

MOON FABRIC it is constantly hit by strong solar radiation that seriously affects the human body if exposed to it for long periods of time, so hiding the "future" of humanity under the surface of the cosmic body is essential. We are talking about a plan that involves sending to the moon 6.7 million eggs and sperm samples from various species so that if the Earth were to be destroyed, and humanity in danger, there would be a chance that it would not completely disappear from the universe.

LUNA: The AMAZING Plan to Secure Mankind's Future

MOON FABRIC it is seen as a safe place to store all these elements that can help repopulate the Earth, or another planet, in case humanity is decimated by a pandemic, or an impact with an asteroid. The plan is just a plan for now, because no space agency has yet said if they want to do something like this on the moon, although it is still based on the ESA mission to explore the caves that exist in the Earth's natural satellite.

MOON FABRIC it has a very complex network of caves that have not yet been explored, and if the ingredients needed to repopulate the Earth can be hidden there, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for that to happen. Of course, doing something like this requires a lot of work and money, but securing the future of humanity is something essential for everyone, so it would be good to see something like this prepared as it should be for our existence.

MOON FABRIC will have the caves explored sometime in the next few years by ESA and NASA, so if everything needed to ensure the future of humanity could be sent there, it could take over a decade.