Video tutorial: iOSFlash helps you watch flash videos on iPhone without jailbreaking!


Un website from Hungary discovered a method that allows us to view flash videos directly from the iPhone without using any special application/program and - very importantly - without jailbreaking our device. The idea is very simple and is based on adding a bookmark in Safari, a bookmark that contains a code that will then allow us to view the flash content directly in Safari.

Step 1

Access the website from Safari.

Step 2

Click the + button in the bottom bar of Safari and then click “Add Bookmark".

Step 3

In the newly opened window, press the button Save from the upper right.

Step 4

Open Bookmarks, press the button Edit from the bottom left, then select the bookmark iOSFlashVideo.

Step 5

Select the second line where you have the link to the site and delete all the text before the word javascript.

Step 6

Open a site where you have video clips of one of the following services:

  • DailyMotion;
  • Flickr Videos;
  • MegaVideo;
  • vimeo.

Wait for the page to load, then open the Bookmarks and select the one with iOS and the video clip should appear on the page and work.

You can test this video clip from your terminals, see if it works.

Uploaded by ravenous tom. - Arts and animation videos.


  1. @zaone: I have safari download manager installed. When I play the video, it asks if I should open it or save it. If I open it, it opens but does not run on the page. Does your movie play directly on the page?

  2. Hello. Who can put a link please, to a video that goes with this application. All the examples that are given by this site from Hungary are html5 and work without this artifice. Likewise, the videos on the sites mentioned above (flickr video, daily motion, etc...) play very well directly from Safari, without adding anything. If anyone has a concrete example of a video that loads exclusively using the procedure shown here, please post it so I can try it too

    Thank you

  3. Dailymotion DOES NOT WORK in Safari. The clip above DOESN'T LOAD for me without this tweak. The clip does not appear at all when I load the page, after using the tweak it works.
    Maybe this tweak removes the limitation that prevents Safari from displaying the video clip on the page and if the service is compatible with QuickTime then it works by itself.