Curieri italieni fura terminale iPhone 4, fac 20.000 euro, merg la inchisoare

In Italia cativa curieri care se credeau mai presus decat legea au furat terminale iPhone 4 care ar fi trebuit livrate catre anumiti clienti in urma unor comezi facute pe magazine online. Curierii lucrau pentru DHL Express si se pare ca furau terminalele comandate din afara Italiei astfel ca la clienti ajungeau cel mai probabil doar cutii goale. Terminalele furate erau revandute prin intermediul site-urilor de licitatii online curierii castigand nu mai putin de 20.000€ in urma acestor tranzactii. Se pare ca problema exista de mult insa procurorii italieni au reusit sa demaste reteaua care se ocupa cu aceste furturi si o buna parte dintre membrii ei sunt deja in arest.

Bologna, April 15 – Iphone 4, worth about 20,000 euro, business and never delivered, sold online with ads posted on Florence and Arezzo. Police Communications dell’Emilia Romagna, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor of the Prosecutor Ambosino Domenico in Bologna, has denounced the charge of shipping carriers and their accomplices who were in charge of selling stolen equipment. The two in charge of sorting and distribution in Bologna and Arezzo – PP, 48, resident in the province of Bologna, and PM, 41 years, residing in Laterina (Ar) – will have to answer for aggravated theft, three other accomplices in stolen – FM , 26, of the province of Bologna, BD, 30, Montevarchi (Ar), and NM, 37, of Arezzo. Also three customers in trouble, accused of reckless purchase instead: they had not bothered to check the consistency ‘between the real value of the asset and the actual sales. Perquisite, between Bologna and Arezzo, the residence of the carriers, acting on behalf of a cooperative that provides transport services for external goods on behalf of the courier DHL Express Italy. Apple Iphone 4 sequestered many apparatuses, systems and technology such as portable hard drives. The direction of DHL Express Italy, pending developments in the investigation, has cut off all relationship with the carriers under investigation. The total number of recovered equipment to several thousand euro.

Din pacate lucruri de genul acesta se intampla si la noi. Zilele trecute un prieten mi-a spus ca dintr-un pachet cu niste tablete iPad 2 trimise in Romania ar fi disparut cateva bucati in mod miraculos inainte ca pachetul sa fie ridicat de la Posta. Nu stie unde anume au disparut si din vina cui, cert e ca undeva pe drum cineva a umblat in pachet si a furat marfa.