iPhone 6 si iPhone 6 Plus Apple Pay – iata cat castiga Apple la fiecare tranzactie


  Apple Pay este primul sistem de plati mobile dezvoltat de catre compania Apple, el functionand prin NFC, fiind protejat cu Touch ID si fiind disponibil exclusiv in iPhone 6 si iPhone 6 Plus. In conferinta pentru prezentarea iPhone 6 si iPhone 6 Plus, compania Apple a afirmat ca sistemele de plati mobile aparute pana acum pe piata au esuat deoarece ele nu ofera o experienta de utilizare buna, companiile fiind in principal interesate sa castige bani si nimic mai mult.

Bank chief executives fawned about the “exceptional customer experience” and the “exciting move”. They are also paying hard cash for the privilege of being involved: 15 cents of a $100 purchase will go to the iPhone maker, according to two people familiar with the terms of the agreement, which are not public. That is an unprecedented deal, giving Apple a share of the payments’ economics that rivals such as Google do not get for their services.

  Conform unor informatii aparute astazi, compania Apple castiga 0.15% din fiecare tranzactie facuta folosind Apple Pay, asta in timp ce Google nu incaseaza vreun ban de la banci pentru sustinerea Google Wallet. Desi Apple a simplificat platile mobile pana in punctul in care in 2 secunde ai facut o plata fara sa faci altceva decat sa apesi pe Touch ID, iata ca nu o face gratuit, fiind singura care primeste bani pentru un asemenea serviciu.