Instagram update aduce noutati importante

Aplicatia Instagram a fost actualizata pentru iOS 9 si iPhone 6S cu ceva timp in urma compania Facebook oferindu-le utilizatorilor din lumea intreaga suport pentru cea mai noua versiune a sistemului de operare iOS 9, dar si pentru iPhone 6S sau iPhone 6S Plus.

In aceasta seara aplicatia Instagram a fost actualizata, compania cu acelasi nume implementand suport pentru gesturile Peek si Pop in meniurile de cautare, explorare, in cel pentru profil sau in cel pentru afisarea postarilor din hashtag-uri, noi scurtaturi fiind implementate pentru iconita principala a aplicatiei.

  • We’ve added features to make interacting with Instagram quicker and easier as well as support for 3D Touch on iPhone 6s.
  • When looking at posts in grid view in Search & Explore or on a profile, you can tap and hold (or 3D Touch from iPhone 6s) a post to expand it.
  • From Feed, you can 3D Touch a profile or hashtag to see a preview of recent posts. Once you’ve opened a preview or expanded post, you’ll have access to more options, like sending a hashtag as a message or liking a post.
  • You can also access shortcuts from your phone’s home screen. To find the shortcuts menu, 3D Touch the Instagram app icon, and select an option to jump straight to things within Instagram, like creating a new post or viewing your Direct messages.

Acelasi changelog a fost publicat de catre compania Facebook si petnru versiune anterioara a Instagram, aplicatia fiind disponibila pentru DESCARCARE GRATUITA din App Store.