Google Tablet unofficially announced

Daca Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), took it out tablet internet then Google it can't be lower and its president Eric Schmidt told some friends at a private party in Los Angeles that the giant from Mountain View is preparing a tablet that will rival iPadof those from Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC),.

Unfortunately, the new tablet from Google it won't run Chrome OS as many expected but Android, also a smartphone operating system, just like iPadthe Although Apple Lossless Audio CODEC (ALAC), took them ahead with the launch of such a tablet, Google demonstrated that it is able to recover ground by launching and continuously improving a AndroidOS but also of the terminal Nexus One.

With iPadhas become a fashion for launching internet tablets, HP announced Slatelast week, now comes the announcement from Google, but looking at history Android vs iPhone OS si Nexus One vs iPhone 3GS, is it the tablet of those from Google it will be better or just a little weaker than iPadthe?

You would buy such a tablet if "on paper" it had the same functionalities as it iPadthe?