Chronic Dev Team is preparing the launch of a tool for monitoring crashes on iDevices

    A few months ago Chronic Dev Team boasts the most advanced untethered jailbreak solution built around several exploits discovered in Apple's iOS 5. A month and a half after the release of iOS 5 Chronic Dev Team has not released this solution, in fact they are still working on it and will release today... a program for monitoring crashes on our iDevices. Chronic Dev Team will publish an article on their own blog today in which they will explain everything related to this new program and it will help them to develop the jailbreak solution faster, but for us it is mostly useless.

    For now, nothing is known about the functionality of this new program, but we know that the untethered jailbreak solution will not be released today, so don't expect it. Moreover, no other pseudo-teams developing jailbreak solutions will release anything and yes, I know that there were rumors about the possible launch of an untethered jailbreak solution today, but that is a big mistake and I warned you about this kind of crap . In conclusion, the untethered jailbreak will wait a few more weeks in the computers of those who develop it.