iPhone 5 is the worst iPhone made by Apple

  I am making a continuation of the article regarding iPhone 5 disappointment because this device is really the worst designed and launched ever by Apple. Comes scratched from the factory, has problems with the screen, has problems with the keyboard, has problems with Wi-Fi networks, the light escapes through the side case, the battery comes off the case and Apple will go bankrupt in a few weeks. It doesn't matter that Apple sold 5 million devices in 3 days si cannot honor all orders made in the store or online, Apple "is on its way", by the winter it goes bankrupt, closes all the stores, sells its headquarters and Tim Cook sees his life in another company.

  The reality is that all the problems listed above affect a small number of users (usually 0.x%), they are amplified by the power of the Internet, they give the impression that the device has very big problems, but in reality few encounter them. From everything I listed above, I managed to make only two scratches on the side strips, most of them do not have any problems with the terminals and will never have any because few are "broken". In the first batch of terminals there are always "bad apples", and if we look at other manufacturers we see that in their case the situations were even more dramatic, some postponing launches or changing hundreds of thousands of components.

  The overwhelming majority of those who bought one iPhone 5 they have no problem with it and if they do, guess what, Apple will change their device for free, because that's how a warranty system for a premium product is thought. iPhone 5 is currently a terminal that broke a year-old sales record, it sells better than any electronic product on the market and all the problems presented on the Internet affect a very small number of users, compared to the number of sales , but the Internet amplifies everything to the point where some believe that all iPhones sold by Apple are bad.

  Rest assured, the iPhone 5 will sell better than any other iPhone produced so far because it's the best, but the problem is that Apple can't produce enough, fast enough.