Top 10 most popular gadgets on Facebook

Top 10 most popular gadgets on Facebook reveals which are the most discussed electronic products by a good part of the fish 1.5 billion people who access the largest social network every month existing on the planet at the moment.

An American publication managed to do this top 10 of the most popular gadgets on Facebook by analyzing the interest that users have towards electronic products, but also towards various other topics from the real world, the results being interesting.

The most popular gadget on Facebook is, as you already guessed, the terminal iPhone of the Apple company, over 428 million people showing their interest in it over time, the figure being a colossal one and much higher than that recorded in the case of other smartphones.

On the second position in the top we find the iPad tablet with 174 million interested people, iPod Touch occupying the third position with 110 million interested people, Samsung Galaxy being placed on the fourth position with 99 million interested people, iPhone 6 closing the top only 17.000 people away from Samsung products.

By programmatically emulating searches of all possible letters and numbers until no more results were returned, we were able to pull a list of 282,002 interests — which Facebook says may not even constitute the entire dataset.

Continuing, we have the iPhone 5 in the sixth position, the Playstation in the 7th position, the Playstation 4 in the 8th position, the iPod in the 9th position and the Xbox in the last position. Practically, in the top 10 most popular gadgets on Facebook, Apple has 6 products, clearly dominating the level of people's interest.

Basically Apple is on everyone's attention no matter how we look at the situation and those from Cupertino know this, Facebook being the social network to which they give the most importance in the monthly monitoring.

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