BCR Romania: Announced surprise, what customers can receive for free

BCR Romania fitbit

BCR Romania has prepared a new great surprise for its customers from all over the country, and this comes as extremely good news because there is also a free service that can be used by customers from all over the country. More precisely, the people from BCR Romania inform the customers in our country about the fact that they can win two Fitbit Versa if they choose to participate in a special promotion that takes place in Romania, but only through the Instagram platform.

BCR Romania says that Romanians from all over the country have the chance to win one of the two Fitbit Versa offered by the bank if you have an account on the Instagram platform and follow the rules of the promotion. More precisely, the people from BCR Romania ask Romanians to make a story with a favorite song, to tag a loved one, and the Instagram account of the intelligent banking assistant George, and thus they are automatically enrolled in this special promotion.

BCR Romania: Announced surprise, what customers can receive for free

BCR Romania fitbit versa

BCR Romania has a very simple contest for customers from all over Romania who want to win one of the two fitness bracelets, and if you are interested, you can participate at any time. BCR Romania has other promotions that it is running at the moment, one of them giving you the chance to win no less than 500 LEI if you choose to take advantage of the Moneyback system that the bank has implemented in our country for some time .

BCR Romania is trying to promote the George personal assistant so that as many people as possible use it to enjoy special services in our country. BCR Romania describes George as an intelligent assistant for banking, i.e. a solution for those who want to benefit from banking services worthy of the 21st century, and for more than 1 million customers of the bank, it has been the perfect solution for their needs so far.

BCR Romania is constantly improving the personal assistant George, so we can expect to see many major news offered for him in the course of 2021 from the bank.