BCR Romania: What Hidden DANGER is Brought to the Attention of Customers

BCR Romania danger

BCR Romania continues the series of important alerts aimed at its customers from all over the country, and this is because today we are talking about a new very serious problem that is being discussed by the famous Romanian bank. More precisely, the people from BCR Romania talk about the problem of viruses that hide in the operating systems of our computers and that are activated only when we actually start doing banking operations.

BCR Romania says that it is important to regularly scan our computers to check if there are any viruses or malware hiding through them to steal our money. BCR Romania talks in a special page on its website about the fact that certain types of viruses are specially designed to activate exclusively when we do various banking operations on our computers.

BCR Romania: What Hidden DANGER is Brought to the Attention of Customers

BCR Romania says that because of these viruses, when we enter our payment data in a merchant's website, or login data in internet banking systems, they can be taken over by hackers. The viruses that hackers make can do these things and transmit our data to their servers, after which they can use them to make transactions on our behalf, and BCR Romania tells us that we must be very vigilant.

BCR Romania says that before and after making payments, it would be good to check the bank accounts to make sure that more money than we paid for the desired products did not disappear. At the same time, if it is necessary to download files from the Internet from various sources, and to access them, it would be good to regularly scan our computers for viruses, BCR Romania having a collaboration with Bitdefender to offer cheap solutions for those interested.

BCR Romania is trying to help its clients from all over Romania to stay safe at a time when the internet has become very dangerous due to constant phishing attacks.