The warning of the Romanian Police regarding Travels during Easter

The warning of the Romanian Police Travels during the Easter period

A new warning from the Romanian Police regarding travel during the Easter holidays is meant to keep Romanians vigilant about any type of road they have to travel during this period, regardless of where in the country they travel .

The Romanian Police will have several units on the main roads throughout the country, roads on which there should be high traffic values ​​during this period, so it is good to pay close attention to what the authorities below say for us.

"For the holidays, all roads "lead" home.

And for many, the roads are long.

Fatigue sets in, and you want to get to your parents, grandparents or other dear relatives as soon as possible.

We say this: arrive as safely as possible!

Thus, our colleagues from Bihor, together with border police and gendarmes, put together a "plan" and stopped drivers returning home from outside the country.

They talked, rested, served coffee and understood how important the breaks "on the long road" are, but also the observance of traffic rules on public roads.

There were also chocolate bunnies for the little ones.☺️

We can't be everywhere, but we can remind you here that dear people are waiting for you at home.

Drive carefully!

Happy holidays!"

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