iOS 11.3 a fost Lansat pentru iPhone si iPad

iOS 11.3 a fost lansat pentru iPhone si iPad de catre compania Apple, actualizarea venind cu foarte multe schimbari pentru utilizatorii din lumea intreaga.

iOS 11.3

iOS 11.3 a fost lansat pentru iPhone si iPad de catre compania Apple, noua versiune a sistemului de operare pentru iDevice-uri fiind testata in versiune beta pana a fi oferita in acest moment pentru noi. iOS 11.3 a fost testat intens de catre compania Apple din cauza unora dintre schimbarile importante pe care utilizatorii le au disponibile dupa instalarea sa, una dintre noutati aducand o schimbare de care extrem de multi clienti se vor bucura.

iOS 11.3 este cea de-a treia versiune majora a sistemului de operare pentru iPhone si iPad, cel mai probabil ultima dintre ele, compania Apple urmand a lansa in principal actualizari intermediare in viitor. Separat de multele functii noi implementate de catre compania Apple in iOS 11.3 pentru iPhone si iPad, exista multe rezolvari pentru probleme importante, plus blocarea unei serii de exploit-uri care puneau in pericol utilizatorii.

iOS 11.3 poate fi instalat chiar acum pe iPhone si iPad prin sistemul Software Update, Actualizare Software, sau folosind iTunes, desi prima metoda e mai simpla, insa daca ati avut instalata ultima versiune beta, e probabil sa nu vedeti actualizarea la cea finala. Instalarea iOS 11.3 prin sistemul Software Update, Actualizare Software, se poate face accesand Settings > General > Software Update, Configurari > General > Actualizare Software si urmand instructiunile de pe ecran.

Dezactiveaza reducerea performantelor pe iPhone

iOS 11.3 aduce o functie care va permite dezactivarea sistemului care reduce performantele iPhone in functie de nivelul de degradare al bateriei. Apple a implementat aceasta functie in iOS 10.2.1 si limiteaza performantele iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 si iPhone 7 Plus, dar totul pentru scurt timp.

Apple a promis ca iOS 11.3 va afisa in sectiunea dedicata bateriei informatii detaliate privind starea de “sanatate” a acesteia si daca performantele iPhone sunt limitate, sau nu. In cazul in care acestea sunt limitate, iOS 11.3 va afisa in buton care va permite dezactivarea sistemului si readucerea performantelor la normal, desi telefoanele s-ar putea inchide subit in timpul folosirii.

“iOS 11.3 adds new features to show battery health and recommend if a battery needs to be serviced. These can be found in Settings -> Battery and are available for iPhone 6 and later. Additionally, users can now see if the power management feature that dynamically manages maximum performance to prevent unexpected shutdowns, first introduced in iOS 10.2.1, is on and can choose to turn it off. This feature can be found in Settings -> Battery and is available for iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus.”

Noi experiente de realitate augmentata

Mergand in continuare, compania Apple anunta lansarea ARKit 1.5 care va aduce pe iPhone si iPad posibilitatea de a plasa obiecte virtuale pe pereti, usi si mult mai multe suprafete. iOS 11.3 aduce pentru dezvoltatori o acuratete mult mai mare pentru plasarea acestor obiecte pe aproape orice fel de suprafete, Apple reusind sa imbunatateasca algoritmii de amplasare in timp real.

ios 11.3 arkit

Mai mult decat atat, inteligenta artificiala din iOS 11.3 permite plasarea de imagini 2D in imagini filmate in timp real folosind camerele telefoanelor noastre, lucru imposibil pana acum. Apple spune ca in iOS 11.3 ARKit va permite umplerea unui muzeu cu exponate folosind ARKit 1.5, iar separat de asta, rezolutia imaginilor va fi cu pana la 50% mai buna si focalizarea automata va fi deasemenea integrata.

“In addition to horizontal surfaces like tables and chairs, ARKit can now recognize and place virtual objects on vertical surfaces like walls and doors, and can more accurately map irregularly shaped surfaces like circular tables. Using advanced computer vision techniques to find and recognize the position of 2D images such as signs, posters, and artwork, ARKit can integrate these real world images into AR experiences such as filling a museum with interactive exhibits or bringing a movie poster to life. The view of the real world through the camera now has 50 percent greater resolution and supports auto-focus for an even sharper perspective.”

Noi Animoji pentru mai multa distractie

Fie ca va plac, sau nu, Animoji nu dispar din iPhone X, iar in iOS 11.3 compania Apple a implementat o serie noua de caractere animate de catre fetele noastre. In clipul video de mai jos puteti vedea noile caractere Animoji pe care iOS 11.3 le aduce pentru iPhone X, compania Apple stiind ca lumea le foloseste in mod frecvent pentru a purta conversatii.

Informatii medicale in aplicatia Sanatate

Pentru cei care traiesc in tarile civilizate unde spitalele au intrat in era digitala, iOS 11.3 permite inclusiv stocarea informatiilor medicale in aplicatia Sanatate din telefoanele iPhone. Fie ca vorbim despre alergii, vaccinuri, rezultate pentru analize, interventii chirurgicale si orice fel de informatii pe care spitalul le are in legatura cu voi, iOS 11.3 le va putea stoca.

iOS 11.3 informatii medicale

Apple nu a anuntat si institutiile medicale care vor putea partaja acest tip de informatii, dar cu siguranta numarul acestora nu va fi chiar atat de mare, iar in afara SUA e greu de spus ce alte tari le vor putea oferi.

“The new Health Records feature brings together hospitals, clinics and the existing Health app to make it easy for consumers to see their available medical data from multiple providers, whenever they choose. Patients from participating medical institutions will have information from various institutions organized into one view and receive regular notifications for their lab results, medications, conditions and more. Health Records data is encrypted and protected with a passcode.”

Business chat – discuta cu orice companie de pe glob

Daca Facebook Messenger permite discutiile private cu robotii companiilor mari de pe planeta, compania Apple a implementat ceva similar pentru utilizatorii sai. Aplicatia Mesaje urmeaza sa permita interactiunea cu companiile care sunt interesate sa intre in contact cu ai loc clienti direct prin mesaje trimise in aceasta aplicatie, discutiile fiind facute in timp real.

ios 11.3 business chat

Apple spune ca pentru inceput doar companiile de mai jos vor face parte din Business Chat, iar daca va asteptati sa vedeti o asemenea functie si in Romania, atunci va recomand sa va treziti putin la realitate.

“Business Chat is a new way for users to communicate directly with businesses right within Messages. This feature will launch in Beta with the public availability of iOS 11.3 this spring, with the support of select businesses including Discover, Hilton, Lowe’s and Wells Fargo. With Business Chat, it’s easy to have a conversation with a service representative, schedule an appointment or make purchases using Apple Pay in the Messages app.”

Alte functii

Apple ofera posibilitatea de a vedea clipuri video prin Apple Music fara a avea afisate si reclame, iar artistii interesati vor putea deasemenea sa-si lanseze videoclipurile prin platforma. Apple News are o noua sectiune pentru a vedea clipurile video importante ale zilei, iar HomeKit va oferi un nou sistem de adauga suport pentru accesorii fara a compromite securitatea.

Iata si lista completa de schimbari a companiei Apple.

“iOS 11.3 brings new features, including ARKit 1.5 for even more immersive augmented reality experiences, iPhone Battery Status (beta), new Animoji for iPhone X users, and more. This update also includes stability improvements and fixes.

Augmented Reality

  • ARKit 1.5 allows developers to place virtual objects on vertical surfaces, such as walls and doors, as well as on horizontal surfaces.
  • Supports the detection and integration of images, such as movie posters or works, into augmented reality experiences.
  • The real-world view perceived through the camera has a higher resolution as part of the augmented reality experiments.

IPhone Battery Status (Beta)

  • Displays the maximum capacity and optimal battery performance capability of the iPhone.
  • Indicates whether the Performance Management feature, which dynamically handles maximum performance to avoid unexpected shutdowns, is enabled, and provides an option to disable it.
  • Recommends replacing the battery when necessary.
  • To learn more about batteries and performance, visit:

iPad Charging Management

  • Maintains battery status when the iPad is plugged in for extended periods of time, such as when used in a kiosk or point-of-sale system, or stored in a charging cart.


  • Four new Animoji available on the iPhone X: lion, bear, dragon and skull.


  • When an Apple feature wants to use your personal information, an icon now appears with a link to access detailed information about how your data will be used and protected.

Apple Music

  • Provides a new experience in video clips, including a Revised Video Clips section featuring exclusive video playlists.
  • Find friends with similar tastes through Apple Music’s improved suggestions, which list the genres that the users and mutual friends follow.


  • The main titles now always appear first in “For you”.
  • Watch the best videos selected by News editors.

App Store

  • Four options now allow you to sort the customer reviews on the product pages: the most useful, the most favorable, the most critical or the most recent.
  • The Updates tab now shows the version of the app and the size of the file.


  • Promotes the protection of privacy by notifying usernames and passwords until they have been selected in a web form field.
  • Presents warnings in the smart search field when the user interacts with password entry forms or credit card data on unencrypted web pages.
  • Automatic filling of usernames and passwords is now available in apps’ web views.
  • By default, articles shared via Mail from Safari are now formatted using Reader mode, if the drive is available.
  • In Favorites, folders now have icons for the bookmarks they contain.


  • Adds two shuangpin keyboard layouts.
  • Supports connected physical keyboards using Turkish F layout.
  • Improves Chinese and Japanese keyboards for better accessibility on devices with a 4.7 or 5.5 inch screen.
  • Allows you to return to the keyboard with a simple touch after the dictation.
  • Fixes a problem that could cause the capitalization of the first letter of some words by the automatic correction feature.
  • Fixes an issue on the iPad Pro that prevented the iPad Smart Keyboard from working after connecting to a captive Wi-Fi hotspot.
  • Fixes a problem that could cause undesirable activation of the digital layout on the Thai keyboard in landscape mode.


  • The App Store now supports accessibility options “Bold Text” and “Large Font” for customizing the display.
  • Smart Reversal now supports images on the web and in Mail messages.
  • Enhances the RTT experience and supports RTT service for T-Mobile.
  • Improves app selection on the iPad for VoiceOver users and selection control.
  • Corrects a problem with the incorrect description of the Bluetooth status icon and the Bluetooth icon by VoiceOver.
  • Fixes a problem that may prevent the end of call button from appearing in the Phone app when using VoiceOver.
  • Fixes an issue preventing access to an app’s built-in ranking with VoiceOver.
  • Fixes a problem that may cause distorted audio playback when using real-time listening.

Other enhancements and fixes

  • Supports AML technology, which provides more accurate location data to emergency services during an emergency call (in countries where this technology is available).
  • Supports software authentication, which gives developers a new way to create and activate HomeKit-compatible accessories.
  • Podcasts now plays episodes with a single tap, and you can tap Details to learn more about each one.
  • Improves search performance for users with long notes in Contacts.
  • Improves the performance of Handoff and the universal clipboard when both devices are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • Fixes a problem that may prevent incoming calls from activating the screen.
  • Fixes a problem that may prevent or prevent voicemail playback.
  • Fixes an issue that prevents opening a web link in Messages.
  • Fixes a problem that may prevent users from returning to Mail after previewing an attachment to a message.
  • Fixes a problem that could cause the deleted screen to reappear on the locked screen.
  • Fixes a problem that can cause the time and notifications to disappear on the locked screen.
  • Fixes an issue that prevents parents from using Face ID for approving purchase authorization requests.
  • Fixes a problem that could prevent updating of the current weather conditions in Weather.
  • Fixes a problem that could prevent the synchronization of contacts with a vehicle directory when connected via Bluetooth.
  • Fixes a problem that may prevent an audio app from playing content in a vehicle while it was in the background.”