A 2-year-old boy saves his mother from a dog attack using FaceTime (Video)


If you own an iDevice, then you probably know the opinion of most people about Apple's operating system, it being seen as so simple that anyone can use it without problems. Well, this proved to be extremely useful for a woman in the US, who in trying to separate two of her fighting dogs, almost lost her finger. One of the dogs bit her so hard that it almost severed her finger, but the woman with a bloody hand was helped by her son who called a friend of his mother's via FaceTime.

The woman tried to call the police on her own, but her iPhone was covered in blood from the open wound, her daughters refusing to touch it for fear of blood. This is where the 2-year-old boy intervened who wiped his iPhone and called his mother's friend, he used to make FaceTime calls with her regularly, not having been taught to call 911. Although we are not talking about a fatal case, situations like this show us how important it is to teach our children to help us in extreme cases.