Smartphone – Ultra-Fast Charging developed

SmartphoneUltra-fast charging could be much closer than we expected, according to researchers at Drexler University in Philadelphia, USA. They managed to develop a new type of electrodes for batteries, which can be charged much faster than those currently implemented in batteries integrated in smartphones sold worldwide.

A special material called MXene is used to produce these new electrodes for smartphone batteries, allowing the transfer of electricity in two dimensions. Using this material for batteries could allow smartphone batteries to be charged as quickly as supercapacitors, which are manufactured without using chemical storage space.

Researchers managed to charge smartphone batteries in just a few seconds, unlike current technologies that require charging in a few hours. The researchers created the batteries with electrodes that have more openings than usual, each of which allows for energy storage, comparing the design to that of a highway versus a one-lane road.

Basically, these new smartphone batteries can take energy through more places than the current batteries, and this basically allows much faster charging. The idea itself is great, but the problem is that from a simple prototype to the launch of a commercial product is a very long way, and what is presented now may never reach people.

"We demonstrated charging of thin MXene electrodes in tens of milliseconds. This is enabled by the very high electronic conductivity of MXene. This paves the way to development of ultrafast energy storage devices that can be charged and discharged within seconds, but store much more energy than conventional supercapacitors."

ultra fast charging smartphone