MOON: The AMAZING Phenomenon Visible from Romania These Days

During the next few days, the MOON will pass through a special phenomenon that will be visible even from Romania, here is what we will all be able to see in the sky.

Strawberry MOON

MOON FABRIC this period is going through an amazing phenomenon that will be visible from all over the world, but including from Romania, and everything will happen this week, during the following days. In the USA, the phenomenon is called the "strawberry moon", and according to astronomers, during the day of Friday, from noon to sunset, the MOON will be visible in the sky in full form, and from some areas of the globe a partial eclipse will also be visible , but not everyone will be able to see that.

MOON FABRIC it will be visible from midday everywhere with an illumination of 81%, and the phenomenon will progress until Friday, when it will be best visible even from dusk. According to astronomers, the MOON will appear 80 minutes "later" than usual every day until Friday, and only then will we see the special phenomenon in the sky, astronomers saying that this full moon will be visible with the naked eye, without needing a telescope.

MOON: The AMAZING Phenomenon Visible from Romania These Days

MOON FABRIC it will be visible even during the day for all those interested in capturing it in pictures that are rarely possible to take, and if you have a phone that is designed to take pictures of the Earth's natural satellite, you will get something special. Today, the MOON is at perigee, that is, at the closest point to the Earth in its usual orbit, but towards the end of the week it will be much easier to see even with the naked eye during the day, something that many amateur astronomers will appreciate.

MOON FABRIC it goes through this phenomenon at a fairly distant period of time every year, and now it will be accompanied in the sky including by Venus and Mercury, this before the former disappears for 6 months. After that, the MOON will be visible in the sky together with Mercury and the rest of the planets in the solar system, and some of them will be quite easy to see even with the naked eye, which of course will please many astronomers from all over the world.

MOON FABRIC it will then pass into its next phase as it continues its orbit around the Earth, and if you miss the opportunity to see it on Friday, you will have to wait quite a while until the phenomenon repeats itself.