Black Hole: AMAZING VIDEO of NASA, which has never been seen before

The black hole is presented today in a stunning video that has never been seen before, this is how the Americans surprise us.

The black hole, as you already know very well, is one of the objects in the universe that is the most difficult for scientists to analyze, and this is because we are talking about a very great difficulty in detecting and visualizing them. Although a picture with a black hole has been published by scientists, we are still waiting for a first video with one, and it is possible that we have quite a long time to wait, because its realization is extremely difficult, unfortunately.

The black hole it is still represented in a variety of simulations, and in the video clip above we have one from NASA that shows us the accretion disk of such an object in the universe, it being very impressive. The accretion disk that a black hole has is full of glowing gases, and if the gravity of these objects did not deflect the light, they would be extremely easy to observe in the universe, looking like in the video clip above.

Black Hole: AMAZING VIDEO of NASA, which has never been seen before

The black hole it absorbs all the light that goes towards it from the universe, and that makes it impossible for scientists to visualize it, but even so, after the first picture, we expected something more from them. In general, a black hole can only be discovered if scientists know the objects that are around it, and when they are no longer visible, or if the light around them is reflected in an unusual way, it can be concluded that a such an object is over there.

The black hole remains one of the great mysteries in the universe, and that's because until now none could be observed closely by scientists, as happened with many planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and even the sun. It is impossible to know when it will be possible to analyze a black hole closely, but it is quite certain that humanity will find a way to approach these types of objects at some point in the future.

The black hole until then it will remain an important object of study, it will remain with many mysteries, and this will force scientists to find new methods to observe them closely.