Fortnite: The New SURPRISE with which Epic Games Delights Players

Fortnite has released a great new surprise for players all over the world, the most popular online title in the world has now offered another very good change that we can all enjoy, namely a special skin for GI Joe.

Fortnite has released this skin for GI Joe called Snake Eyes, so you will be able to discover it in the game, and together with it will also be available a toy that the people from Hasbro will put on sale for all those interested in it.

Fortnite has the skin available now for use, but in the case of the toy we are talking about a waiting period of a year until it reaches the hands of those who want to spend 40 dollars to buy it from the Hasbro company.

Fortnite it is used to promote the movie Snake Eyes: GI Joe Origins, which should be released sometime in the fall of this year, so the release of the toy only in 2022 is also related to this movie, which will arrive in cinemas at that time.

Fortnite has usually released a lot of elements based on collaborations between large American companies, so it should not be a surprise that this time too Epic Games chooses to surprise us in such a way.