BCR Romania: Official Alert to All Customers in Romania

BCR Romania repairs

BCR Romania has published a very important alert for clients all over the country, and this is because we are talking about a situation that everyone needs to know about right now because we are talking about a very serious problem. I told you yesterday that BCR Romania had problems with the services it offers to its clients from all over the country, and that it alerted them about them, but despite this, the problems have not been solved.

BCR Romania has now scheduled a series of maintenance works for the services it offers in Romania, and these will take place during this night, causing the unavailability of several important services. More precisely, the people from BCR Romania are alerting the clients that between 23:30 and 03:00 the George application will be completely unavailable for any kind of card-specific operations, and this is a big problem.

BCR Romania: Official Alert to All Customers in Romania

BCR Romania says that also its ATMs, POS, and MFM machines will not be able to be used by customers, while cards will not be able to be used for any transaction in our country in the following hours. We are basically talking about the unavailability of many important services that those from BCR Romania offer for clients from all over the country, and this in the conditions that the George application cannot be used properly by anyone anyway.

BCR Romania also says that operations for currency exchange at its machines will still be able to be done without problems, and transactions at the automatic teller can also be done, but with the use of the bar code on the customer card. The latter is a compromise solution that the people from BCR Romania make in order to offer their clients at least part of the functionality they expect from its services now.

BCR Romania will more than likely solve all the problems that its services are facing, so there is no reason to believe that there will be more problems after the maintenance works that will take place now.