Coronavirus: Government Ministers Get Involved in the Vaccination Campaign

Coronavirus Government Ministries Involve Vaccination Campaign

The Ministers of the Romanian Government will be involved in the vaccination campaign against the Coronavirus, so they will all be present in the vaccination centers in some locations in the country to discuss with the Romanians about this process, and what immunization means.

The vaccination campaign had several days with record immunizations, so this step comes as a surprise, especially since people show that they want to be vaccinated.

"Everyone's involvement in this vaccination campaign is needed, in order to return to normality as quickly as possible! All ministers will be involved in the vaccination campaign! Next week, whether we are talking about ministers or secretaries of state, they all have to go to the streets, to the vaccination centers, wherever it is necessary to talk to people about vaccination.

Only together can we succeed, total involvement is needed!

Romania, come on, it's possible!"