MOON: The AMAZING announcement, which Seemed Impossible in Cosmic Space

oxygen moon

The MOON is at the center of a stunning announcement that shows us how much we still don't know is possible in outer space, but also how important the achievements will be for all of humanity. More precisely, an Israeli company has announced that it will participate in at least one mission that the Japanese will carry out in relation to the moon, and in the first of them they will transport to the Earth's natural satellite a technology that will allow the creation of oxygen and other metals there.

The MOON does not currently have all the necessary elements to support life, but what we now know is that this could be possible thanks to the technological advances of recent years. The Israeli company that wants to test its technologies on the moon is confident that it will not only be able to produce oxygen there, but also other metals, or elements, that will allow life to be sustained and eliminate the need to transport them from Earth.

MOON: The AMAZING announcement, which Seemed Impossible in Cosmic Space

The MOON will be explored more and more intensively in the coming years as both NASA and other space agencies will want to bring people back there to be able to make permanent bases. This technology is being developed with funding from the Israeli space agency, but also from the energy ministry there, and if it is successful, then a good part of the elements needed to support human life on the moon will be able to be produced there.

"The technology we are developing is part of the value chain that allows the establishment of permanent bases far from Earth. We have planned missions to demonstrate our system in space with partners. The revolutionary Helios technology, which is supported by the Israeli Space Agency, can produce oxygen from lunar soil without consumable raw materials from Earth.”

The MOON will never be able to support life as long as technologies of this kind are not implemented, so their testing in that environment is essential. The important thing is that the use is based on the use of materials that already exist on the moon, so that humanity could live in the future lunar bases without the need to transport natural resources from the Earth, one of the biggest problems with have faced the projects so far.

The MOON could have its first base sometime after 2030, or at least these are the estimates of NASA, but of course anything can change in the meantime.