BCR Romania: The Important Announcement, What Many Customers Didn't Know

BCR Romania pays

BCR Romania brings to the attention of clients from all over the country an important announcement regarding a benefit that not many knew was available to them, but which is extremely useful. More precisely, those from BCR Romania convey to clients from all over the country the fact that they now have the possibility to use Google Pay to make payments with phones that have the Android operating system, the support being implemented not too long ago.

BCR Romania has offered customers from all over Romania the opportunity to use another service to make payments by phone, namely George Pay, but now there is also Google Pay. George Pay does not disappear, it is still offered as an option for phone payments made by BCR Romania customers from all over the country, but Google Pay comes as an alternative for those who wanted to use the Google system, even for online payments.

BCR Romania: The Important Announcement, What Many Customers Didn't Know

BCR Romania offered support for Google Pay, but the platform is already implemented in many applications and websites around the world, so it can be used for quick payments by anyone. The great advantage of Google Pay for payments of this kind is that the platform has all our data for payments, so they do not have to be filled in every time, and the money is taken from the BCR Romania accounts without the need for payment confirmation.

BCR Romania was one of the first banks to implement support for Google Pay in Romania, which came as great news for many of its customers throughout the country. This support offered by BCR Romania for Google Pay was one of the best changes made in 2021 by the bank for everyone, so it remains to be seen what exactly will be offered by it in the following months of this year.

BCR Romania has not yet announced what it wants to offer its customers, but we can expect to see interesting surprises through George.