ANPC: WARNING for Romanians throughout the country

ANPC WARNING for Romanians throughout the country

ANPC has a very serious warning for Romanians throughout the country, and this is because during the hot season they must be extremely careful about what they intend to consume when they go to the sea, but not only there.

"Dear consumers,
These days are maintained with extremely high temperatures.
We know that many of you are on vacation.
Be careful what you choose to consume, because busy periods favor specula and practices dangerous to your health.
Choose carefully the products you want to consume, only if the space of the economic operator shows trust and respects all legal norms!
Don't encourage beach trade!
Buying food from street vendors on the beach is a risk!
The products are not stored safely, and those who distribute them do not respect the hygiene rules‼️
Choose to be an informed consumer to turn your vacation into a relaxing time and not one that can put your health at risk!
ANPC actions will continue throughout the summer season, meaning that we advise tourists to buy what they need only from authorized places."