Valeriu Gheorghita: Huge Danger, Warning from Wave 4

Valeriu Gheorghita talks about a very big danger that many Romanians don't know about in the 4th wave of coronavirus infections, and that's because many people are still guided by the old rules regarding the transmission of the disease and the impact on some people.

Valeriu Gheorghita says that the Delta version would be much more aggressive with young people than with the elderly, perhaps because many are already vaccinated, and Romanians should be extremely careful of the danger posed by wave 4 infection.

"Unfortunately, we see what is also happening in the United States, an increasing number of young people, children, even under the age of 12, are diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 infection, they end up in the hospital, even in intensive care units. There are signals, although things are still not very clear from this point of view, that infection with the Delta variant could cause more severe forms among young people, among children, which was atypical until this point.

Also, young people, teenagers, children are exposed to a much higher risk of illness and it is easy to understand. We are talking about a much more transmissible variant. Young people gather, interact more, are more frequently exposed to the risk of infection and, of course, in a smaller percentage, preventive measures are observed.

So, somehow, these reasons can also explain why, at the moment, a greater number of cases are registered among young people and, of course, vaccination coverage among young people is much lower compared to people over 50 -55 years old."