Coronavirus: How Easy to Transmit the Delta Variant in the Unvaccinated Population

How Easy is the Delta Variant to Transmit the Coronavirus in the Unvaccinated Population

The Delta variant of the Coronavirus is transmitted very easily among unvaccinated people, so below you can see a simulation of how this process happens, showing us as clearly as possible how serious things are.

"Transmission of the Delta variant according to the percentage of vaccinated people! 35% versus 75%
The higher the percentage of people vaccinated, the lower the number of cases and the rate of infection, giving the medical system enough time to treat infected people.
The Delta variant is much more transmissible than the original variants. An infected person can transmit the virus to 6-8 other people.
Vaccinated people break the chain of transmission, significantly limit the number of cases in outbreaks, and slow the spread of the virus in the population. Moreover, vaccinating in as high a percentage as possible gives the health system the time needed to treat severe cases.
The conditions presented in the video are for the Delta variant, in which a person infected with the virus passes it on, on average, to six or eight other people and the models are calculated for an 80% effectiveness of vaccines against the infection.
Even if herd immunity is more difficult to achieve for a highly transmissible variant like Delta, vaccination together with some non-pharmaceutical control measures (wearing a protective mask indoors and crowded spaces, physical distancing, limiting interpersonal contacts, etc.) can help together in limiting the magnitude of an epidemic wave."