Test the new untethered jailbreak solution!

Dev Team promised that we will have a new untethered jailbreak solution before Christmas and it seems that they are partially trying to keep their word. In a new one article written on the official blog, the team is looking for people to test the backup solution for untethered jailbreak and to qualify for the tests you must have:

  • a factory unlocked terminal or you don't need an unlock;
  • to have a Mac at your disposal because only a solution for Mac OS X will be available for the tests;
  • have SHSH for iOS 4.2 beta 3 saved in Cydia;
  • to have iOS 4.2 beta 3 in the computer;
  • to follow the Twitter account @redsn0w_testers where the information related to the new jailbreak solution will be announced.

The tests will last a few days after which we should see the new untethered jailbreak solution released for Windows/Mac. Of course it will only work for those who have SHSH for iOS 4.2 beta 3.

Those with iPhone 3G/iPhone 3GS (old bootrom) and iPod Touch 2G (old bootrom) already have untethered jailbreak on iOS 4.2.1, so they don't have to participate in these tests.