Old mobile phones are a gold mine in the true sense of the word

  You probably already know that most electronic products have components that contain small amounts of precious, semi-precious and far too little precious metals. Well, around 400 million mobile phones are thrown into the trash every year and around 4.5 tons of gold could be extracted from them if they were recycled, so we're talking about loss an enormous amount considering that the price of a KG of gold is almost 53.000 dollars according to this website. Practically, several hundred million dollars are thrown into the trash every year, only if we take into account the gold, but from one ton of discarded mobile phones, 150g of gold, 100 kg of copper and 3 kg of silver can be extracted, so the final amount lost would be much higher .

  If all these phones were recycled, then the amounts saved by reusing all the metals and components could be directed to ecological projects, but for now too few people worry about such a thing. When you throw a phone in the trash, think that maybe it would be better to recycle it too Cosmote recently gave us an example about a campaign that many other companies should reproduce in one version or another.