Arise helps you take control of Clock app alarms

  Arise is new tweak launched last evening in Cydia, and with its help we can take full control over the alarms set in the Clock application of iDevices. More exactly, Arise is intended to modify the app's alarms Clock, as you can see in the image above, we have the option to set the volume of the sounds played during the alarm, the time period of automatic shutdown and not only that.

Arise lets you customize alarms to fit your personal way of waking up well. It adds a volume slider to each alarm; you might want to set up a first gentle alarm and later a louder one. There won't be any more oversleeping because of a too silent alarm.

  The sounds will be able to have set now a period of fade in which allows the volume to be increased up to the maximum set value, so that we will wake up much smoother than usual. Arise implements all these settings directly in the Clock application, so you will not have to search for them through various menus of the Settings application available in iDevices.

To ease up your morning Arise is able to add a smooth fade-in, which gradually increases the volume from 0 to your custom defined value. For convenience it is possible to let specified alarms be snoozed after a delay of up to 3 minutes.

  Arise is available at the price of $1 in the repo BigBoss al Cydia.