Facebook Messenger - The function you've been waiting for for years

Facebook Messenger has integrated a new important function that we have been waiting for years, it makes recommendations to listen to music in Spotify.

Facebook Messenger has a new feature you've been waiting for years, one of the biggest messaging platforms on the planet is now much more useful than you thought. Facebook Messenger is developed by Facebook and we are talking about a messaging platform that interconnects all users of the social network, and not only that, a very interesting new function is now available.

Facebook Messenger has this new integrated function thanks to artificial intelligence, it automatically recommends songs to listen to based on conversations with friends. We are talking about recommendations made to listen to music from Spotify that are displayed in the conversations we have with various people through Facebook Messenger, and in the image below you can see how it looks.

Facebook Messenger automatically activates this system when commands such as "play some music" or "listen to music" are written, the recommendations being automatically displayed by the personal assistant M. However, the artificial intelligence for Facebook Messenger could offer recommendations for music even if we do not write a special order in our conversations, so everything is based on the context of the discussions.

Facebook Messenger - the feature you've been waiting for for years

facebook messenger function you have been waiting for years

Facebook Messenger, after displaying a music recommendation, opens the songs in the application's internal browser, along with various information about our Spotify accounts. There we are also given recommendations for playlists with music to listen to, but these do not come from Facebook Messenger, but directly from Spotify, so the whole system is designed to help us listen to the music we like.

Facebook Messenger opens various lists with information from Spotify depending on the type of music recommended, i.e. if they are artists or bands. Based on this, we will see those separate recommendations that Spotify makes for users, and thus Facebook Messenger becomes much more useful and interesting for users who like music and are constantly looking for good recommendations.

Since March, Facebook Messenger has started to display this information based on artificial intelligence, which can be shared by users with any friends. Those from Spotify are working in tandem with Facebook to expand the functionality of Facebook Messenger in the coming months, and this means that in the not too distant future we will learn about other interesting news that the messaging platform will have.

Facebook Messenger offers this function for certain countries where the M personal assistant is also available, so it should reach Romania at some point.