OnePlus is Spying on its Smartphone Customers

OnePlus spies on its customers who buy its smartphones, the technique being implemented without them knowing that their data is being stolen by the company.

OnePlus he spies on his customers who buy his smartphones and use them all over the world, everything being discovered after an analysis of the customers' phones. OnePlus sells very cheap smartphones for customers interested in enjoying good performance and average functionality, but everything comes with a compromise on the privacy side, because OnePlus does not put much emphasis on it.

OnePlus has for at least 2-3 years services that send data about users to the company's servers, everything being done securely, but without the users knowing. A cyber security researcher has discovered that the OnePlus 2 sold by the OnePlus company transmits data to the company without him knowing this beforehand or being asked if he wants to share information with the company.

OnePlus was notified by the cyber security researcher last year about this, but of course it didn't care too much and didn't stop the tactic. This means that OnePlus wants to know everything about its customers, and this is nothing new for smartphone manufacturers, but the rest ask you if you want to send them data, while OnePlus takes it without caring if it bothers you .

OnePlus is spying on its smartphone customers

OnePlus takes from its users information about what the screen displays, data about unlocks, unusual reboots, serial number, IMEI, phone numbers called, MAC address and information about telephone and Wi-Fi networks. Much of the information is taken over by various applications anyway, but OnePlus wants the phone numbers and information about the screen, or the Wi-Fi networks, which are major problems.

OnePlus does not stop there, because the operating system takes information about the data when certain applications were opened and closed, or what other functions were controlled. Two applications from OnePlus phones are "to blame" for this monitoring, namely OnePlus Device Manager and OnePlus Device Manager Provider, they transmit the information anonymously to the domain.

OnePlus is a Chinese company that makes very cheap phones for people who don't really care what they buy because they don't have money for premium smartphones that don't have problems like this. Chinese companies are generally uninterested in the customer experience with their phones, and OnePlus has never boasted about the safety it offers to customers, but if you pay $400 for a "premium" phone and you really expect to be respected , then you live in another parallel world.