"Ciripesc" Black Holes, the AMAZING Discovery of the Universe

Black holes chirp, this is an amazing discovery made by researchers, here is what they observed at a great distance from Earth.

Black holes chirp

Black holes "chirp", or at least that's what a recent discovery made by researchers who study very carefully the most mysterious objects in the entire universe, but also those that are the most difficult to study, gives us to understand. We are talking about a phenomenon that happens when two black holes collide, researchers calling the radio wave emissions, radiation, and gravitational ones "chirp" that are felt in many areas of the universe.

Black holes emit these "chirps" when they collide, and until now researchers thought it was actually just one "chirp", but in reality there are several, and they can provide clues about the shape of the hole. the black resulting from their collision. The black hole resulting from their combination is formed in a fraction of a second, and the process is one of the most "violent" in the universe, releasing enormous amounts of energy in all directions.

"Ciripesc" Black Holes, the AMAZING Discovery of the Universe

Black holes chirp explanation
PHOTO: C. Evans, J. Calderón Bustillo

Black holes do not emit light, not even when they collide and combine, so researchers rely only on the radiation and gravitational waves emitted by them to locate them, and possibly detect their shape as well. The black hole resulting from such an event emits a much more complex radio signal than a normal one, it fluctuates before disappearing completely, a sign that enormous amounts of energy and gravitational waves are released.

"Black holes are among the most fascinating objects in the universe. At their surface, known as the event horizon, gravity is so strong that not even light can escape. Black holes are usually silent objects that swallow anything that gets too close; however, when two black holes collide and merge, they produce one of the most catastrophic events in the universe: in a fraction of a second, a highly deformed black hole forms and releases enormous amounts of energy as it install to its final state."

Black holes establish their final shape throughout this process, the initial shape being a combination of those of the objects that collided, and this process is one that has a somewhat longer duration. Throughout this period, researchers can follow closely everything that happens around black holes to see more clearly how everything proceeds, so we are talking about a very complex, very violent process, and somewhat unique in the universe.

Black holes do not combine that often, however, and when they do, they are very difficult to observe after the event, so scientists have a rather difficult mission to see very clearly what is happening very far from Earth.