Windows 10 has an extremely serious problem brought to the attention of people all over the world, here's what you need to know about it immediately.

windows 10 pepper

Windows 10 has an extremely serious problem confirmed for hundreds of millions of users all over the world, and we are talking about something that targets all the people who have the operating system installed in their own PC. We are talking about a new type of malware that has been detected for Windows 10, and that has the ability to evade virus detection systems, all without the user being able to do anything in this regard, and protect themselves effectively.

Windows 10 has now discovered an extremely dangerous malware called PowerPepper, which exploits Windows PowerShell to allow remote commands to be run to control computers. This new malware for Windows 10 is designed to hide from antivirus software on computers, but also to evade systems that limit access to data on users' computers.


Windows 10 has malware detection systems tricked by PowerPepper by detecting mouse movements, filtering the computer's MAC address, and adapting the way it works on PCs with antivirus. Until now, it has been detected that this malware for Windows 10 has been spread among users only through phishing attacks, being included in attachments sent by email, or through infected documents from various websites.

“This infection chain varied slightly between July and November 2020: some dropped file names, embedded code or remote links changed, but the logic remained the same. PowerPepper first attempts to use Microsoft Excel as a web client to send DoH requests to a C2 server, but will fall back to the standard PowerShell web client and eventually regular DNS communications if messages cannot get through.”

Windows 10 is also fooled by this malware by hiding its propagation in data similar to those used by Word documents, or CHM, archives, or even images, everything being very complex thought. The communication between the malware and the control servers is encrypted, so it is impossible to detect what is being transmitted, and thus Windows 10 can be controlled remotely by those who created this malware.

Windows 10 has various pre-installed protection systems, but the best method by which Microsoft recommends users to protect themselves is to avoid opening any kind of attachments received by email, and not only that.